The following publications contain information about Myles Walter Keogh:
Article: "War With the Sioux: Indian Fights and Fighters; Part II – The Last of Custer" by Cyrus Townsend Brady • Pearson's Magazine • September 1904.
Article: "Garry Owen, the Pride of Fort Bliss" by Knoles-Peterson • It takes something exceptional in horse flesh to impress a cavalryman. Here are a few of the immortals they still talk about [mentions Comanche]. • Old West • Summer 1967.
Article: "The Keogh, Nowlan and DeRudio Myth" by Lisle G. Brown • Research Review, Vol. VII, No. 4, Winter 1973.
Portrait: "Capt. Miles Keogh" by G. O. Harris • Research Review, Vol. VII, No. 4, Winter 1973.
Article: "Custer's Last Battle" by Charles King, Introduction by Paul L. Hedron • Annuals of Wyoming, Vol. 48, Spring 1976.
Article: "Comanche: Lone Survivor of the Little Big Horn" by Art Fee • Although at the Little Big Horn massacre not one of the men survived, there was one lone survivor, a buckskin horse named Comanche • Oldtimers Wild West • No. 1 • February 1977.
Article: "Myles Keogh, Soldier of Fortune. He Died with Custer. Closeup of the man, the Seventh Cavalry, and the Battle of the Little Big Horn" by James Callaghan • Tombstone Epitaph • Tombstone, Arizona • March 1977.
Article: "Captain Keogh's Insurance Policy" by R. "Dutch" Hardorff • Research Review, Vol. XI, No. 1977-9, September 1977.
Cover Illustration: "Capt. Myles Keogh on 'Comanche'" by Michael Schreck • Research Review, Vol. VIII, No. 1979-6, June 1979.
Article: "Mathey, Keogh & Comanche" by Jim Schneider • Research Review, Vol. XIII, No. 1979-12, December 1979.
Cover Illustration: "Sgt. Butler, Capt. Keogh, and Lt. Calhoun at Fort Lincoln" • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, February 1984.
Article: "Westfall to Eulogize Myles Keogh" by Jack Manion • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XX, No.4, May 1986.
Photograph: "CPT Myles W. Keogh" • Research Review, Vol. III, No. 1986-2, June 1986.
Article: "Ghosts on the Little Bighorn" by Robert Paul Jordan • After a 1983 prairie fire cleared brush along Montana's Little Bighorn River, archaeologists recovered artifacts that shed new light on Custer's Last Stand. Robert Paul Jordan reports on the still controversial 1876 battle. Photographs by Scott Rutherford • The National Geographic Magazine • December 1986.
Article: "Myles Walter Keogh (1840-1876)" by Brian C. Pohanka • Among the officers serving under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Custer at Little Big Horn, none is more enduring in legend than the Irish soldier of fortune, Myles W. Keogh. His biography is entwined with myths, and often those concepts have produced an inaccurate perception of the man from Orchard House, Ireland. Pohanka reevaluates Keogh's career, resulting in a new, more accurate appraisal of Keogh. • Greasy Grass, Journal of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association, Vol. 4, May 1988.
Cover Photograph: "Captain Myles Keogh" • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXIV, No. 5, May 1990.
Article: "Myles Keogh's Foot Locker Found" by Jack Manion • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXIV, No. 11, December 1990.
Book: Myles Keogh: The Life and Legend of an "Irish Dragoon" in the Seventh Cavalry
edited and compiled by John Langellier, Kurt Hamilton Cox, and Brian C. Pohanka • El Segunda, California: Upton & Sons, October 1991.
Article: "Myles Keogh to Be Honored" by Jack Manion • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXVI, No. 5, July 1992.
Photograph: "Emily and Nelly Martin, Martin, and Myles Keogh" • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXIV, (should be XXIX), No. 4, May 1995.
Article: "Myles Keogh on Buford" by Jim Drucke • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXV (should be XXX), No. 9, November 1996.
Photograph: "Jim and Tanya Drucke at Keogh's Grave" • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXV (should be XXX), No. 9, November 1996.
Photograph: "Bust of Captain Keogh by Glen Swanson" by Ralph Heinz • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXVI (should be XXXI), No. 2, March 1997.
Article: "New Portrait of a Familiar Face: Capt. Myles W. Keogh" by James S. Brust • Missing: Keogh's "Imperial" goatee. • Greasy Grass, Journal of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association, Vol. 13, May 1997.
Cover Photograph: "David Broome by the Battlefield Marker for Myles Keogh" • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXXIII, No. 6, August 1999.
Article: "Born a Soldier: Myles Walter Keogh" • "Part 1: From Carlow to America's Civil War" •
"Part 2: Conquering the South and the Plains" • "Part 3: Riding with Custer into Eternity" • The Wild Geese: Exploring the Heritage of the Irish Worldwide • Originally accesssed October 13, 1999.
Article: "Myles Walter Keogh (1840-1876): The Papal Medals and Sitting Bull" by Sean Ryan •
Wild Geese Heritage Museum and Library, Portumna, County Galway, Ireland • • 2002.
Cover Illustration: "Captain Keogh and Lieutenant Porter of I Troop" by Michael Schreck • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates, Vol. 17, No. 2, Summer 2003.
Cover Photographs: "Myles Keogh" • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXXIX, No. 9, November 2005.
Article: "'A Bold and Rash Adventure': The Story of Keogh's Other Last Stand" by Elisabeth Kimber • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXXIX, No. 9, November 2005.
Article: "Myles Walter Keogh” narrative and photographs by ELisabeth Kimber • • 2005.
Article: "Keogh: A Personal Glimpse" by Elisabeth Kimber • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XL, No. 10, December 2006.
Article: "A Visit to Orchard House, Leighlinbridge, County Carlow” by ELisabeth Kimber and Robert Doyle • • 2008.