Seventh Cavalry


Plains Indians






Message Boards





Diane Merkel

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Additional Information

Thomas B. Weir

The following publications contain information about Thomas B. Weir:

Book: Campaigning with Crook by Charles King • Harper and Brothers • 1890.

Article: "War With the Sioux: Indian Fights and Fighters; Part II – The Last of Custer" by Cyrus Townsend BradyPearson's Magazine September 1904.

Article: "Regarding the Grave of Thomas Benton Weir" by Elizabeth Lawrence • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. IX, No. 1 • January 1975.

Article: "Custer's Last Battle" by Charles King, Introduction by Paul L. Hedron Annuals of Wyoming • Vol. 48 • Spring 1976.

Article with Photograph: "Lieutenant Colonel Weir's Funeral" by Tom O'Neil • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. XXVII, No. 3 • April 1993.

Cover Photograph: "Bust of Thomas B. Weir by Glen Swanson" by Ralph Heinz • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. XXVI (should be XXXI), No. 2 • March 1997.

Article: "Cavalry men's lives come to troubled ends" by Lorna Thackeray • Billings Gazette • June 21, 2009 • Pages E1 and E3.

Article: "Haunted by history: Tragedy followed Bighorn battle survivors" by Lorna Thackeray • Billings Gazette • June 21, 2009 • Pages E1 and E3.



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