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Diane Merkel

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Additional Information

Thomas Ward Custer

The following publications contain information about Thomas Ward Custer:

Article: "War With the Sioux: Indian Fights and Fighters; Part 1 – The Yellowstone Expedition in 1873 and the Beginnining of Custer's Last Fight" by Cyrus Townsend Brady Pearson's Magazine August 1904.

Portrait: Tom Custer by G.O. Harris • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. V, No. 4, Winter 1971.

Cover Art: "Letters Back Home: Lt.Col. George A. Custer and Capt. Tom Custer, 1876" by Lisle Reedstrom • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates, Vol. IX, No. 12, December 1975.

Article: “Tom Custer’s Medals of Honor” by Paul L. Hedren Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates, Vol. X, No. 1, January 1976.

Article: "Custer's Last Battle" by Charles King, Introduction by Paul L. Hedron Annuals of Wyoming, Vol. 48, Spring 1976.

Query with Answer: Who has Tom Custer's two Medals of Honor? • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XIV, No. 4, April 1980.

Photograph: “Tom Custer and W.W. Cooke with the Wadsworth Girls,” courtesy of Custer Battlefield National Monument • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates, Vol. XIV, No. 1980-12, December 1980.

Article: "The Forgotten Custer: LTC Thomas Ward Custer” by Paul Beck Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. I, No. 1984-1, March 1984.

Photograph: “Tom Custer,” courtesy of Custer Battlefield Museum • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. I, No. 1984-1, March 1984.

Photograph: “Tom Custer, W.W. Cooke and the Wadsworth Girls,” courtesy of Custer Battlefield Museum • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. I, No. 1984-1, March 1984.

Cover Photograph: Capt. Thomas W. Custer, courtesy of Rylance Lord • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXI, No. 9, October 1987.

Article: "If You Want to Know . . . ." by Carl Day In life, Capt. Thomas W. Custer found himself overshadowed by his brother George Armstrong. Yet they shared a lifelong bond that only death could snap. Carl Day writes about Tom Custer's life as "The Brother in the Shadow." Greasy Grass, Journal of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association, Vol. 9, May 1993.

Cover Photograph: James Calhoun, Tom Custer and Tom McDougall, courtesy of the Collection of Chet Nelson • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXVIII, No. 5, July 1994.

Cover PhotographTom Custer's Civil War Wounds • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXIV (actually XXIX), No. 3, April 1995.

Article: "Tom Custer's Civil War Wounds Considered" by W. Donald Horn Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXIV (actually XXIX), No. 3, April 1995.

Poem: "Tom Custer" by Jim White • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXIV (actually XXIX), No. 4, May 1995.

Article: "Tom Custer's Promotion" by Alice T. O'Neil • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXIV (actually XXIX), No. 9, November 1995.

Article: "Some Memories of the Custer Boys" by Alice T. O'Neil • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXIV (actually XXIX), No. 10, December 1995.

Photograph: "Faces from the Little Big Horn: Capt. Tom Custer" Greasy Grass, Journal of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association, Vol. 13, May 1997.

Photograph: William Morgan at Tom Custer's Grave Marker • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXVII (actually XXXII), No. 5, July 1998.

Cover Illustration: "George and Tom Custer, June 25, 1876," a painting by Michael Schreck • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates, Vol. 13, No. 2, Summer 1999.

Article: "Emma to Tom Custer" edited by Alice T. O'Neil • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXXIII, No. 8, October 1999.

Article: "Medal of Honor: Captain Thomas W. Custer, First Double Recipient" National Cemetery Administration, 2016.