Seventh Cavalry


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Diane Merkel

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Additional Information

Marcus A. Reno

The following publications contain information about Marcus A. Reno:

Book: Campaigning with Crook by Charles King • Harper and Brothers • 1890.

Article: "War With the Sioux: Indian Fights and Fighters; Part 1 – The Yellowstone Expedition in 1873 and the Beginnining of Custer's Last Fight" by Cyrus Townsend Brady • Pearson's Magazine • August 1904.

Book: The Reno Court of Inquiry: Abstract of the Official Record of Proceedings by W. A. Graham • Harrisburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole Company • 1954.

Book: Faint the Trumpet Sounds: The Life and Trial of Major Reno by John Upton Terrell and George Walton • New York: David McKay Company • 1966.

Article: "Historical Notes: Reno's Last Stand" • Time Magazine • May 12, 1967.

Article: "After 78 Years . . . Custer's Aide is Cleared" • U. S. News & World Report • June 12, 1967.

Article: "Markers at the Reno-Benteen Defense Site" by Bob MacLaine • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. 1, No. 9 • September 1967.

Illustration: "Reno" by Lisle Reedstrom • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. 1, No. 9 • September 1967.

Article: "Custer Battle Again Makes Headlines" • The Editor's Corral • Real West • No. 56 • November 1967.

Photographs: "The Reno Funeral Ceremony, 9 September 1967" by Cris Schlechten • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. 2, No. 1 • January 1968.

Article: "Marcus A. Reno Reburied with Honor" by Arthur E. Day • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. 2, No. 1 • January 1968.

Article: "Reno's Vindication" by Georg Wenzel Schneider-Wettengel • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. 2, No. 1 • January 1968.

Article: "Reno's Charge: A Sidelight" by Lisle Brown • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. 2, No. 3 • March 1968.

Article: "Strange Death of 'Lonesome' Charley Reynolds" by Fred Harrison • Like so many other young men, Reynolds would have crawled through hell on his hands and knees had Elizabeth Custer asked, but what she wanted of him did her no discredit—and perceptive Lonesome Charley got the message. • Golden West Magazine • November 1968.

Book: Case of Marcus A. Reno by Barry C. Johnson • The English Westerners' Society • 1969.

Article: "The Reno Family of Greene County, Illinois” by Philip L. Alfeld • Research Review • Vol. V, No. 2 • Summer 1971.

Letter: "Reno's Diary?" reprinted from The Great American WestResearch Review • Vol. V, No. 2 • Summer 1971.

Portrait: "Reno" by G. O. Harris • Research Review • Vol. V, No. 2 • Summer 1971.

Illustration: "The Reno Fight Area" by G. O. Harris with Comments • Research Review • Vol. V, No. 4 • Winter 1971.

Query with Answer: "Marcus A. Reno, in his official report, criticized the performance of the U.S. Model 1873 Springfield Carbine at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. How was this weapon selected for cavalry use?” • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. VII, No. 5 • May 1973.

Article: "What Really Happened at Little Big Horn?" by Stephanie C. Shulsinger • Real West Magazine • September 1973.

Article: "Reno Court of Inquiry–Victim or Hoax” by R. L. "Pinky" Nelson • Research Review • Vol. VII, No. 3 • Fall 1973.

Query with Answer: "Why did Custer go four miles farther north than where he was supposed to meet Reno?” • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. IX, No. 1 • January 1975.

Article: "The Treat on Reno Hill” by Lawrence A. Frost • Research Review (Newsletter Literary Section) • Vol. X, No. 1976-6 • June 1976.

Article: "Reno's 'Charge' to the Bluff (Part One)” by James Willert • Research Review (Newsletter Literary Section) • Vol. X, No. 1976-9 • September 1976.

Article: "The Reno Scout–The Itinerary of Sergeant James Hill–An Official Record of the Reno Scout” by R. G. Hardorff • Research Review • Vol. XI, No. 1977-12 • December 1977.

Cover Illustration: "One of Reno's Water Bearers" by E. L. Reedstrom • Research Review • Vol. XII, No. 1978-12 • December 1978.

Article: "The Reno Court: Focus on Maguire (Part One)” by James Willert • A comparison of the Chicago Times' version of the testimony of 1st Lieut. Edward Maguire with that of the Official Record at the Reno Court of Inquiry, Tuesday, January 14, 1879." • Research Review • Vol. XII, No. 1978-12 • December 1978.

Article: "The Reno Court: Focus on Maguire (Part Two)” by James Willert • Research Review • Vol. XIII, No. 1979-3 • March 1979.

Query with Answer: Has the whole story been told about Sgt. McCurry padding the petition to promote Reno and Benteen? • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. XIV, No. 4 • April 1980.

Article: "Grinnell on Reno and Custer” by Brian W. Dippie • Research Review • Vol. XVII, No. 1983-6 • June 1983.

Article: "The Reno Court of Inquiry of 1879: Focus on Wallace, Part I” by James Willert • Research Review • Vol. II, No. 1985-4 • December 1985.

Photograph: "Reno Battle Area” • Research Review • Vol. II, No. 1985-4 • December 1985.

Article: "The Reno Court of Inquiry of 1879: Focus on Wallace, Part II” by James Willert • Research Review • Vol. III, No. 1986-1 • March 1986.

Photograph: "Major Marcus Reno” • Research Review • Vol. III, No. 1986-1 • March 1986.

Article: "Reno's Battalion in the Battle of the Little Bighorn" edited by Neil C. Mangum • Relive the experiences of the battle through the eyes of Private William Morris. • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 2 • May 1986.

Article: "Marcus Albert Reno: A Brief Biographical Sketch of His Life" by Ronald H. Nichols • Marcus Reno played out his role in the Little Bighorn drama to the best of his ability. Condemned by some, praised by others, Reno's career was practically ruined as a result of Little Bighorn. Yet, as Nichols discovered, there was more to Reno than meets the eye. Follow Reno's life before and after the Custer fight in this article. • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 2 • May 1986.

Article: "Some Comments About Reno and Benteen Going to Custer's Aid: A Critical Opinion by Walter Mason Camp" edited by Richard G. Hardorff • Walter M. Camp and his research are legendary. Hardorff has pulled together Camp's evaluation of Reno and Benteen and their actions or failure to act. • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. I, No. 2 (New Series) • December 1987.

Book: Cadet Marcus Albert Reno Record of Demerits and Academics by Tom O'Neil • Arrow and Trooper • 1992.

Article: "Baldwin Talks with Reno, Writes About Custer's Final Battle" by James S. Brust • On the night of August 6, 1876, Lt. Frank D. Baldwin visited with 7th Cavalry survivors, including Major Marcus A. Reno. Brust writes about what Baldwin learned from Reno that night and discusses the lieutenant's sketch of the Little Big Horn battle. • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 9 • May 1993.

Article: "Tarheel Survivor of Custer's Last Stand: The North Carolina Cavalryman Describes the American Thermopylae" by J. E. Kanipe, edited by Bill Boyes • Boyes found and edited this unpublished manuscript written by Sgt. Daniel A. Kanipe's son. Of particular interest is the fact that one of the prominent people in the battle makes a statement that Reno and Benteen did not do their jobs. • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. 7, No. 2 • June 1993.

Article: "Custer's Turn to the North at the Little Big Horn: The Reason" by Don Horn • Horn follows Custer's route from the time he and Reno separated and looks for the elusive answer to why Custer chose to move to the north. • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. 8, No. 1 • January 1994.

Cover Photograph: "Major Marcus A. Reno, 7th Cavalry" • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. XXVIII, No. 9 • November 1994.

Article: "A Look at the Reno Court of Inquiry and the Defense: A Correspondent's View" by E. Elden Davis • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. XXVIII, No. 9 • November 1994.

Photograph: "Major Marcus A. Reno" • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. XXVIII, No. 9 • November 1994.

Article: "The Reno Court: The Second Cover-up" by Jack Pennington • Pennington says that part of the cover-up was the change in the timing of events. • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. 9, No. 1 • January 1995.

Article: "Edward Botzer: Was He Custer's 'Last Trooper'?'" by Sandy Barnard • Scientists and historical experts believe a new photo may help identify the skull of a 7th Cavalryman whose remains were found in 1989 at the Reno Retreat Crossing. • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 11 • May 1995.

Article and Photograph: "The Reno Court of Inquiry: An Interview with Thomas E. Bookwalter" • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. XXIV (should be XXIX), No. 8 • October 1995.

Article: "Should Reno Bear the Blame?" by Ron Nichols • The 1879 Reno Court of Inquiry provided the only official testimony about the Little Big Horn battle. Reno expert Ron Nichols takes a close look at the event itself. • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 12 • May 1996.

Article: "Pvt. Sivertsen's Horse: Victim of Little Big Horn" by Sandy Barnard • Artifacts recovered with the remains of a horse found along one of the retreat routes used by the Reno battalion suggest the animal was the mount of Pvt. John Sivertsen, Company M. • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 12 • May 1996.

Article: "Reno Court of Inquiry" by Bruce Liddic, Frank Mercatante, and Tom Bookwalter • The authors have traced the history of the numerous editions of the Court of Inquiry. The accuracy of these editions is studied, and the authors reach a conclusion as to which versions are "most accurate." • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. 11, No. 1 • Winter 1997.

Article: "Captain Benteen's Ugly Little Secret Exposed" by Larry Sklenar • Larry Sklenar makes an in-depth study of the story that Reno wanted to abandon the wounded and flee to the Power River. As with much of the gossip that surrounded the battle, Benteen appears to have been the source. • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. 12, No. 2 • Summer 1998.

Photograph: "Photograph of Reno's Remains" • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. XXVII (should be XXXII), No. 6 • August 1998.

Article and Photograph: "A 'Hate' Letter from Reno to President Hayes" by Tom O'Neil • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. XXVII (should be XXXII), No. 10 • December 1998.

Illustration: "Terry and Reno" by Michael Nunnally • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 15 • May 1999.

Article: "About Reno and Benteen Going to Custer's Aid" by Jeff Broome • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter • Vol. XXXIII, No. 10 • December 1999.

Article: "The 'Wallace Factor' at the Reno Court of Inquiry" by Larry Sklenar • Sklenar examines the testimony of Lt. George D. Wallace and makes the case that Wallace's testimony was less than truthful. • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. 14, No. 1 • Winter 2000.

Article: "Another Look at the Reno Scout with Special Reference to the Explorations of Tom Heski" by James Willert • Willert explores the various theories regarding the course of Reno's Scout from June 10 until June 19, 1876. • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. 14, No. 2 • Summer 2000.

Map: "The Reno Scout, June 10-June 19, 1876" by Thomas Heski and Vicki Trego Hill • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. 14, No. 2 • Summer 2000.

Book: In Custer’s Shadow: Major Marcus Reno by Ronald H. Nichols • Norman: University of Oklahoma Press • 2000.

Article: "The Tainted Testimony of Captain Frederick W. Benteen at the Reno Court of Inquiry" by W. Donald Horn • Don Horn presents Benteen's testimony as it appeared in Col. Gramm's original copies and analyzes the inconsistencies. • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. 15, No. 2 • Summer 2001.

Article: "Reno & Benteen - Perceptions 126 Years After the Battle" by Ronald H. Nichols • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 18 • May 2002.

Article: "Setting the Record Straight: West Point 'Skins'–Reno and Custer" by Ron Nichols • Nichols outlines the West Point demerit system of the 1850s and provides a comparison between Custer and Reno regarding their performances at West Point. • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. 18, No. 1 • Winter 2004.

Article: "Unanswered LBH Questions" by Jack Pennington • Pennington analyzes the timing of events and orders given to Reno and Benteen during the battle. • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates • Vol. 19, No. 1 • Winter 2005.

Article: "Frontier Times, July 1927, Says Reno Was Not a Coward" by E. A. Brininstool • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 21 • May 2005.

Article: "The Reno Valley Fight: Assessing River and Land Changes" by Jason Pitsch • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 23 • May 2007.

Article: "Cavalry men's lives come to troubled ends" by Lorna Thackeray • Billings Gazette • June 21, 2009 • Pages E1 and E3.

Article: "The Tragic End of Capt. Thomas H. French" by Bob Snelson • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 27 • May 2011.

Article: "The Springfield Carbine at the Little Big Horn" by Ron Nichols • Why did the Ordnance Department select a single-shot weapon system for the military and how did it perform in the field? • Greasy Grass, Annual of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association • Vol. 34 • May 2018.

Article: "Misrepresented 'Monster' Major Marcus Reno" by Gregory Michno • HistoryNet • Undated • Accessed November 25, 2018.

Book: Marcus Reno in the Valley of the Little Big Horn: Limited Means, Excessive Arms by Frederick C. Wagner IIIJefferson, NC: McFarland & Co. • 2021.

Article: "Monroe County History: Was Major Reno the true villain at Little Bighorn?" by Tom Emery • The Monroe News • March 17, 2022 • Accessed March 18, 2022.

Article: "Clark County History: Fort Vancouver's connections to Little Big Horn" by Martin Middlewood • The Columbian • August 28, 2022 • Accessed August 29, 2002.

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