Seventh Cavalry


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Diane Merkel

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Additional Information

George Daniel Wallace

The following publications contain information about George D. Wallace:

Article: "Custodians of the Flag: The People Turn Out En-masse to do Honor to the Late Capt. George D. Wallace—Eloquent Eulogies on the Flag, and on its Defender." Yorkville (South Carolina) Enquirer April 22, 1891 Page 1.

Cover Photograph: "Second Lieutenant George D. Wallace, G. Company, 7th Cavalry, June 25, 1876 Research Review, Vol. II, No. 1985-4, December 1985.

Article: "The Reno Court of Inquiry of 1879: Focus on Wallace, Part I" by James Willert Research Review, Vol. II, No. 1985-4, December 1985.

Cover Photographs: "Cadet George Wallace, USMA” and "Wallace's Canteen" Research Review, Vol. III, No. 1986-1, March 1986.

Article: "The Reno Court of Inquiry of 1879: Focus on Wallace, Part II" by James Willert Research Review, Vol. III, No. 1986-1, March 1986.

Article: "An Opinion on Benteen's Actions" by Michael Harrison Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 8, August 1968.

Cover Photograph: "First Lieutenant George D. Wallace" Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXIV (should be XXIX), No. 6, August 1995.

Photograph: "The Wallace Family Home near York" Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXIV (should be XXIX), No. 6, August 1995.

Photograph: "Wallace Marker at Rose Hill Cemetery" Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXIV (should be XXIX), No. 6, August 1995.

Book: Letters from the Field: Wallace at the Little Big Horn edited by Douglas Westfall Paragon Agency 1997.

Article: "The 'Wallace Factor' at the Reno Court of Inquiry" by Larry Sklenar • Sklenar examines the testimony of Lt. George D. Wallace and makes the case that Wallace's testimony was less than truthful. • Research Review: The Journal of the Little Big Horn Associates, Vol. 14, No. 1, Winter 2000.

Article: "Lakota Bullet Ends Wallace's Life—14 Years After Little Bighorn" by John Mackintosh First Lieutenant George D. Wallace served impressively throughout his career, only to die in a battle that wasn't supposed to be—at Wounded Knee. Greasy Grass, Journal of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association, Vol. 16, May 2000.

Book: Custer's Southern officer: Captain George D. Wallace, 7th U.S. Cavalry by John D. MacIntosh 2002.

Article: "eBay Brings to Light Additional Insight on Wallace and the Reno Court of Inquiry" by John D. Mackintosh Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1, February 2004.